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External objects are a fundamental part of Max/MSP. They are routines that users and developers have created to either do something new, to do something that is available in other software but not in Max, or to do something simple and that one could do otherwise in Max, but one can do it more easily and/or more quickly with a custom object.
However, they can be confusing.
To cover:
A piece of code is like a menu - a programme just sits around waiting for the user to do something. The user tells it to do something: "do this". The first word is a command - 'do' and the second is an argument - it specifies what it is the user wants the programme to 'do'. The programme looks for a specification for the argument 'this'. If it finds it, it 'does' it, if it can't find it, it generates an error, or the programme will crash. Everything you do in any programme follows this pattern without exception. All programmes have basic sets of commands and arguments that you can use. Some programmes allow for users to import or develop their own commands so that their own (or others'), custom ideas and procedures can be used. In the case of Max/MSP these are called 'externals' and they are called 'objects' not commands.
Max includes a number of commands, such as metro within the programme itself. However, there are a number of 'intermediate' external commands which you can see for yourself, kept within the Max Application folder, within a folder called 'Cycling '74 folder alias', or possibly just 'Cycling '74 folder'. Within this folder is another folder called 'externals' and this is where these 'intermediate' externals are kept. Have a look - you may recognise some of them.
This can be found in [Options/File Preferences...]
This is where you can tell Max where you want it to look for various items, including external objects. You should see that a number of places are already set. Don't alter the ones in the upper sector, or the ones set to ./patches or ./examples or "./Cycling '74 folder alias" (unless you want to disable a lot of functionality!). You may, however, set your own folders to be used here. In the task below, you'll be asked to create you own folder, find an external to use and make it work using this preferences box.
NB the file preferences set only become functional after restarting Max.
Sometimes you may find that you have placed an external you're interested in in a particular folder, chosen it in the search paths (see above) and when you try and use it within Max, you get an improper object (see below). Check the Max window and you will see an error message, saying either that it can't find the object, in which case your object is not in a recognisable path or the object is not compatible with your version of Max or platform, or you'll get a message saying that Max can't 'fragload' the particular object. This means that the programme had identified two versions of the same object and doesn't know which to load. Somewhere in your system you have another version of the same object (it has the same name) and you need to find it. Alternatively, if it is the same object, then just delete your version and use the one that's already there!
This also has ramifications concerning:
The TaskPart One
Part Two
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The projects and tasks are designed to help you through the various courses and materials that you'll have to deal with, and also to provide an active and practical element to what could otherwise become a rather dry and technical exercise. Tasks are small exercises - you may be asked to complete one or two per week. Projects are larger and carry a higher percentage of the mark. We will undertake two, three, four or more projects and tasks. The final project is usually an individual choice project, and will be worth significantly more than the others in terms of percentages in your portfolio. We will usually try to set aside a time to perform the projects in a public setting.