BBCUT - collection (currently only one!) of ideas based on Nick Collins' SC external BBCut
ENV - a couple of ways of dealing with envelopes - it's not as straightforward as you might think!
Paf - Phase Aligned Formant Synthesizer - The paf~ object synthesizes a formant with a specified center frequency, bandwidth, and amplitude. Each parameter change takes a target time as in the line object.
CLICK - Patches working towards the composition Click
FILES - Example of the use of files - opening, finding, using, etc.
MouseState - Patches utilising the object MouseState
Connections - incomplete: connecting MIDI events to a number of control objects
SAMPLING - simple(r) versions of groove~ and sfplay~
REVERB - example(s) of in-patch reverberation. Be careful as these slow the patch significantly. Consider adding reverb later or externally to your patch.
PERFORMANCE_TEMPLATES - Some basic templates for performance using four different Max/MSP methods - sfplay~, human interface control (hi), audio in (Tapin and Tapout), sound synthesis and rhythm manipulation.
SFPLAY - playing and manipulating sound files from disc, as opposed to play~ which uses a buffer in memory
GEN - The Gen series, part the Percolate externals: they generate a variety of attractive waves
Degrade - A rather nice example of active use of degrade. Audio sample included.