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Many people feel that in many ways our senses might be 'linked'. For instance, when one hears a sound one may 'see' or imagine a colour. Others may see a colour and smell a specific smell. What is the basis in reality for such feelings? Are they genuinely linked, or are the links imaginary and recreated each time? Or is the whole thing imaginary? Certainly, trying to create similar 'analogies' using computer software indicates the radically different ways in sound, light and smell behave, and it is clear that physiologically our perceptions of these things is achieved through very different mechanisms.
1. Psychol. a. A sensation in one part of the body produced by a stimulus applied to another part. b. Agreement of the feelings or emotions of different individuals, as a stage in the development of sympathy. c. Production, from a sense-impression of one kind, of an associated mental image of a sense-impression of another kind: see quot. 1903.
Oxford English Dictionary
Follow the above links. Think about the idea of synaesthesia. Have you experienced something similar? Can you think of examples where you might describe one sense in terms of another?
You might like to look at some articles about synaesthesia from the journal Leonardo.