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The frame seems to be an almost inevitable feature of human experience. Whatever we do, we tend to frame it in one way or another - actions that seem perfectly natural in one setting are hideously inappropriate in another - each situation can be seen as a frame giving a context to an action. In order to appreciate theatrical plays or opera properly, you have to employ what has been called the suspension of disbelief - you know what you're seeing isn't real, isn't real life, but that doesn't stop you experiencing the play imaginatively as if it was. This is often how frames operate.
Empire of Lights |
La Condition Humaine |
L'assassin Menace |
Le Sihcle des Lumihres |
Return |
The Human Condition, 1935 |
The Surprise Answer |
La Grande Famiglia 1963 |
Souvenir da un Viaggio |
The Surprise Answer |
But in the meantime, here's some links:
Main text (not usually available until after the lecture).