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Creative Music Computing 2b


VLE and Module Guide

Timetable Semester 2 2010-11
Class Thursday 1000-1200 Hel040
Richard Hoadley's Feedback Hours
(teaching weeks only)
13:15-15:30 Monday
12:15-13:00 Friday

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Module Assessment Help and Information Resources


to top of page  Summary

In this course students undertake study in high-level programming languages, investigating in particular the interplay between visual representation and patterning and their interaction with audio. Although we are used to combining image and sound in entertainments on television and in the cinema, another way of looking at visual information is as another form of data. This data, for instance luminosity or motion tracking, may be used in a variety of ways to manipulate and reflect audio and these mappings themselves can give rise to insights into the nature of vision, hearing and their relationships. The course will also include a brief examination and implementation of networking functions and protocols. Students are asked to undertake a series of tasks culminating in the conception and implementation of projects of their own devising, for instance, a composition, a piece of software or an installation. Students will submit their collected exercises in a portfolio, to be accompanied by a brief critical evaluation, which should reference the current literature on creative music computing and should place the student's work in the context of current trends in creative music programming as well as providing a basis for the student's own criteria and judgement.


to top of page  Outcomes

  1. Computer music studios equipped with appropriate hardware and software.
  2. Internet forum.
  3. Journals list.
  4. Third-party Internet sites (as advised).
  5. CD and DVD collection of appropriate recorded material.
  1. 1. Utilise knowledge of a variety of resources through customised software control.
  2. 2. 2. Demonstrate a knowledge of digital sound and image from a creative, theoretical and practical standpoint and appreciate the relationships and interactions between sight and sound.

to top of page  Assessments & Submission

• In this course, you will be asked to work on a series of tasks and projects.

• These tasks are taken throughout the course; of these four are submitted and these are worth 10% each of the entire course. There is a summary of tasks and projects here.

• The project(s) are valued at 60% of the entire course.

• Each task must be accompanied by sufficient documentation to ensure smooth demonstration of the task. Usually this documentation is best situated within the relevant patch, very MaxMSP or SC. More details here.

• Each project (not task) must be accompanied by a short commentary (approximately 200 words maximum) in text outlining your goals, achievements and experiences.

• All materials should be physically submitted to the i-Centre.

The final deadline for final submission of all material is 2pm on Tuesday 8th May 2018.

It is essential that you read this document for full details of your submission.


to top of page  Task and Project Summary

Semester 2

  Task Value (%)
Final submission for all material including tasks is 2pm on Tuesday 8th May 2018.
1 Image to Sound 1 0%
2 Image to Sound 2 0%
3 Image to Sound 3 0%
4 Image to Sound 4 20%
5 OSC: Max to SC; OSC: Multiple Machines 0%
6 Processing 1 0%
7 Processing 2 10%
8 SuperCollider Pen 10%
Jitter Project Choose some aspect of the course to concentrate on and complete a creative project using Jitter for performance and/or submission in week 12. If your submission is a performance, it should last approximately 2-3 minutes.

The weighting is 60% if only Processing/SC/MaxMSP project is undertaken, or 30% if both Jitter and Processing/SC/MaxMSP projects are undertaken.
Processing/SuperCollider Project Choose some aspect of Supercollider or Processing to concentrate on and complete a creative project using Processing, SuperCollider and/or MaxMSP for performance and/or submission in week 12i. If your submission is a performance, it should last approximately 2-3 minutes.

The weighting is 60% if only Processing/SC/MaxMSP project is undertaken, or 30% if both Jitter and Processing/SC/MaxMSP projects are undertaken.
You are encouraged to attempt both projects, or to undertake a project using both MaxMSP and Supercollider, maybe linked in some way. Please speak to your tutor about this.

The final deadline for final submission of all material is 2pm on Tuesday 8th May 2018.


to top of page  Assessment Criteria

Your work will be marked according to the criteria set out in the document Artefact Creation (document available via University Login only).

to top of page  Tutorial Groups

Tutorial Groups
1000 0910357/1	BATEMAN     S
1010 0912854/1	BRINKMANN   ACK
1020 0901163/1	BUCLAW      AWJ
1030 0908645/1	FINCH       E
1040 0907185/1	HOLLIS      M
1050 0809556/2	MONSLOW     S
1100 0163677/3	MURFITT     JR
1110 0907857/1	ROGERS      J

1120 0804001/1	SCARBOROUGH DJ
1130 0905126/1	UTTING      JER
N.B. You are all invited to attend each week, but if you do so you must have prepared something for us to look at.
If you feel that you do not need to attend that is fine, but please let me know in order to release the time for those who feel that they need it...

Please come a little earlier if you can. Feel free to sit in on other tutorials as you may learn something! Be prepared to stay a little later if necessary.


to top of page  Performance Programme

Performance Programme
Please read the detailed submission notes
SIDNameemail time
SIDNameemail addresstime


to top of page  Course Outline

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Semester 1

Week Focus Project/Task Set
Image to Sound
- Things to do first
- collect email
- Assessments
- Revision of material from 
Fundamentals of Computer Music
- Getting Help
- VLE submission?

- Other basic programming, introductory enviroments:
-- Scratch
-- Processing

- Also check out PD

Task 1
 - Image to Sound 1
Getting Started with
Image to Sound in Jitter
Due: w2
Weighting: 0%
task summary | VLE
- Check all emails are in
- Other Jitter examples
- Jitter task 2
- Designing Sound by Andy Farnell
-- http://aspress.co.uk/ds/about_book.php

- Jitter tutorials
- Jitter recipes at Cycling 74
Task 2
 - Image to Sound 2
Getting Started with
Image to Sound in Jitter
Due: w2
Weighting: 0%
task summary | VLE
- Jitter Task 3

Task 3
 - Image to Sound 3
Video Decomposition and
Analysis in Jitter
Due: w3
Weighting: 0%
task summary | VLE
- Jitter task 4:
Sound Synthesis and Integration in Jitter
Task 4
 - Image to Sound 4
Sound Synthesis and Integration in Jitter
Due: w5
Weighting: 20%
task summary | VLE
- Open Sound Control
Task 5
 - OSC: Max to SC; OSC: Multiple Machines
Open Sound Control
Due: w8
Weighting: 0%
task summary | VLE
OSC, Processing and SuperCollider
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- Introduction to Processing
- Introduction to Processing
Task 6
 - Processing 1
Introduction to Processing
Due: w11
Weighting: 0%
task summary | VLE
- Tutorials (Jitter Project): 
if you are not able to attend 
during class time please make 
an appointment with RH during 
his feedback/office hours.
- Graphics and sound using Processing
- Processing
Task 7
 - Processing 2
Graphics and sound using Processing
Due: w12
Weighting: 10%
task summary | VLE
Using SuperCollider to make graphics with sound.
- Some ideas and previous 
cohorts' examples
- Cottle...

Task 8
 - SuperCollider Pen
Using SuperCollider to make graphics with sound.
Due: w8
Weighting: 10%
task summary | VLE
Task  - 
Due: Weighting: 
task summary | VLE
Weeks 11-12: Tutorials and Performance
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- Small Group/Individual Tutorials


to top of page  General Resources

Max/MSP, Supercollider and Processing are our basic platforms. Max/MSP/Jitter is available from Cycling74.


to top of page  Reading/Listening

Included on MDF:

Casey, R. a. F., Ben (2007). Processing: a programming handbook for visual designers and artists. Cambridge, Mass., London: MIT.
Collins, N., Cottle, D. M. and Wilson, S., (eds) (in press).The SuperCollider Book. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
Greenberg, I. (2007). Processing: Creative Coding and Computational Art. Berkeley, APress.
Ionides, J. H., Peter (2005). Another Eyesight: Multi-sensory Design in Context, Dog Rose Press.
Oram, A., and Wilson, G., (eds) (2007), Beautiful Code, Sebastopol, CA: OÕReilly Media

to top of page  Interesting Things

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