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Sensor Technology Tasks

Group design project

Task 5 Servos Set: w3i Due: Monday 19th December 2016 Weighting: assessable/recommended (10%) Courses: stech
Prev Task: Auduino Next Task: Ping - Joining Code
Task Summary All stech tasks

Design something together

Get together in your groups. Think of a variety of projects which involve some sort of interaction, and consider what the (sonic) results of those interactions might be. Don't worry about things like practicality or expense, think about who does what with what and what happens as a result.

Consider the following ways of interacting:

Touch, feel, texture, surface, switch, fader, push, pull, stroke, press, pick, strum, prod, poke, nudge, sweep, shove, squeeze, drive, thrust, bump, blow, hit, thump, punch, slap, smack, cuff, knock, clout, rub, massage, fondle, pet, glide, blast, crack...

And the following effects these interactions might have:

Up, down, in, out, loud, soft, louder, softer, smooth, vanish, sudden, smooth, react...

Each group should prepare a ten minute presentation of the main features of your 'product' including an analysis concerning what it does, how and who would use it. The 'product' should be interactive and, within a catholic definition, musical.


to top of page The Task

  • This is not an assessed task, so just have some fun with some thought experiments.

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The Projects

The projects and tasks are designed to help you through the various courses and materials that you'll have to deal with, and also to provide an active and practical element to what could otherwise become a rather dry and technical exercise. Tasks are small exercises - you may be asked to complete one or two per week. Projects are larger and carry a higher percentage of the mark. We will undertake two, three, four or more projects and tasks. The final project is usually an individual choice project, and will be worth significantly more than the others in terms of percentages in your portfolio. We will usually try to set aside a time to perform the projects in a public setting.