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Listen to some Webern, for instance the Konzert, op? and his orchestration of the Bach Musical Offering (possibly also Stavinsky (Movements) & Boulez (Le Marteau Sans Maitre)
It should be quite clear from such pieces that during the middle years of the twentieth century there was considerable experimentation with fragmented and fragmenting lines. We are going to emphasise this idea in this project.
Compose a piece where no individual instrumental line is longer than three notes...
The piece should be of between three and eight minutes' duration. Instrumentation will usually be based on the standard instrumentation available within the group although, as usual, you are responsible for ensuring that peope are aware that they and, presumably, their instruments are required. You are quite welcome to invite others to perform in your pieces but, again, you are responsible for informing them and ensuring that they turn up. For further information see the page on Workshop Preparation
Good luck!