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NB. The closing date for votes for this project is 5:00pm on the Friday of week 4.
Okay, this isn't actually a project, but another innovation. For the first time, I'm proposing that the class will pick the second project, to be performed in week 8. I've devised a mechannism by which you can vote for the projects of your choice. Be warned: this probably won't work.
Go to the Project List, and choose three projects. Please note that at the time of writing quite a number of these have not been completely specified. You may take your chances if you want. Write down the three numbers in order of preference, with your first preference first, second second, and third third. Try to be imaginative rather than choosing projects which you think might involve less work! Email this information to me and the most popular project, based on the single transferrable vote system. I'll let you all know the precise results and methods. If less than 50% of you vote then the vote will be void.
The management reserves the right to do something else if (s)he wants.