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Prepare a short presentation on a subject or project related to the course explaining why it appeals to you. Although you don't have to prepare a formal presentation, making sure you can display the paper (via the data projector provided) in addition to any images, videos or recordings normally makes things much more interesting. Try to have a look at what others are going to talk about if you can. NIME is a good place to look, but you don't have to use one of those papers. However, if you don't please clear the paper/subject you choose with your tutor to begin with.
The presentation itself will not receive a mark, but you will receive a 5% penalty from the entire module should you not present, (so, if you end up with 68%, you will actually get 63%). While you do not need to write an essay, you should submit the information you have included in your presentations in the logbook, including links to documents, images, videos and web pages as well as a summary of your arguments and conclusions.
Here are few ideas for sources:
Any spare time will be given over to tutorials.
Any queries, email me or post an equiry on the course Facebook page.