Max/MSP Tutorials

Basic Synthesis

*~ is an amplifier object. It can be controlled with a number box. This box outputs floating point numbers. Notice how in the example the dac~ is turned on and off using the values '0' and '1'.

Some new objects...

This uses a line~ object to create a simple envelope for the oscillator. In this case, the line is given two values via message boxes. Over the course of one second (one thousand milliseconds), the amplifier moves from 0.1 of the value of the line to the full value.

You can also use lines and message boxes with the cycle~ object. Careful with this as it can get quite loud!

A slightly more sophisticated oscillator. Frequency and amplitude are controlled by number boxes, and the pack object (note that this is not an audio object), ensures that moves between different amplitudes are smooth and free of clicks. You create the pack object by creating an object and simply typing the data in...

Other resources

Have a look at this, and this.
